Retail Media Platform by Admixer Retail Media Platform by Admixer

Admixer crawler

What is an Admixer crawler?

Admixer crawler is a software that visits web pages and analyzes their content to serve relevant ads on them. Admixer crawler is identified by the following user agent:
AdmixerBot/0.1 (+

The Admixer crawler operates on servers leased within the Autonomous System Number (ASN): 24940. This ASN is managed by Hetzner Online GmbH, a well-known data center provider. The crawler is associated with the following list of:

IP addresses:

Why does an Admixer crawler visit my site?

Admixer is a leading global technology company powering the world's marketers with trusted and impactful advertising. Admixer empowers companies of all sizes with technology to better know and serve their customers. Admixer has a contextual advertising offering to help its publisher partners better monetize their content and support advertisers by better aligning their ads to relevant web pages.

To support its contextual offering, Admixer will analyze the public web content by crawling web pages. Admixer's technology will identify content categories on a given web page. For example, an article about sport and running shoes would be classified in the categories "food" and sub-category "running".

When does Admixer crawler visit my site?

Admixer crawler will attempt to access URLs only when your website is sending a request to Admixer to deliver an ad on your domain. Admixer crawler limits the visits to your website. The crawler requests access to your website only if the compiled categories are no longer available or no longer up to date.

What data is crawled on my site?

Admixer crawler is a privacy-compliant system. The Crawler does not access data of the user navigating your website. The Crawler only accesses the published data publicly available on the internet.

How can I authorize the crawler?

Many premium publishers explicitly allow Admixer crawler to access their sites. Publishers benefit from Admixer's categorization of their inventory to optimize target campaigns. To approve Admixer crawler, please add a separate paragraph to the robots.txt as follows:

User-agent: AdmixerBot/0.1

How can I exclude the crawler?

If you prefer to exclude Admixer crawler from visiting specific sections of your site, please add a separate paragraph to the robots.txt and specify the path you'd like to exclude as follows:

User-agent: AdmixerBot/0.1
Disallow: /path/

If you prefer to exclude Admixer crawler from visiting your site entirely, please add a separate paragraph to the robots.txt as follows:

User-agent: AdmixerBot/0.1
Disallow: /


Admixer crawler respects the crawl-delay directive (up to 30 seconds, and accepts decimal values such as 0.1).

More Information:

If you need to know more about the crawler, please contact your Admixer representative; if you are an Admixer direct partner, please email us at

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